Monday 27 October 2014


Then we will see further improvements in the technology, when humans first discovered that he could use bronze to create more sophisticated tools. We continue to see further advances in technology during the 1980s with the mobile phone revolution. This shift in the way we use the internet creates opportunities for entrepreneurs.

Social Media Set "New World Order" in Building Revolutions Throughout the Middle East?. Young Catalysts Twitter, Facebook, and social media are the driving force behind the revolution, not only in Tunisia and Egypt, but also in Jordan and Yemen, where the role of social media has proven a new world order in the social communication of digital to impose totalitarian regimes throughout the Middle East.

Going social in the digital world is building a new world order by driving change and oust dictator at least in the Arab world.
Information technology is used as an effective medium for improving the education and health systems, as well as making the system more transparent, get rid of corruption and improving overall governance.
Some of the options include the study Sharepoint training, Microsoft training, security and hacking certification, Project Management skills, Virtualization, Web Design and Development etc.

In the field of future energy, we know Biofuel. Renewable energy is the only answer to the energy needs of our civilization. The main factors inhibiting the growth of renewable energy is the cost. Besides Solar, Hydro, geothermal, wind, tidal, biomass, etc., one of the main fuel for the future Hydrogen boot. Except for the cost factor, appears to be the perfect fuel of the future. To overcome the cost factor, a lot of R & D are being conducted worldwide. Today Hydrogen is being touted as the fuel of the future, a replacement cleaner-burning, renewable and cheap to petroleum.

The first hydrogen fueling station opened publicly in Reykjavik, Iceland in April 2003. Research is ongoing in various car manufacturers. Honda has announced the release of a hydrogen vehicle by 2008.
A robot revolution is before us and we have kids in school to compete in the competition robot. Robots will fight our wars, running the government and police our citizens.
Herein lies the problem, the robot will soon govern our world and we all have seen a science fiction movie depicting the war against humans and artificially intelligent robotic androids. Will future generations condemn us to build this robot? Will they label this era, when mankind is not responsible for the technology and allow it to escape and eventually run over the public?

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