Monday 27 October 2014


In the ever expanding and changing field of medical technology, there is always a necessity for clinical laboratory technologists. Technologists make do microscopic, hematological, biological, immunological, bacteriological, and chemical analysis. Technologists determine which chemicals a sample consists, and match blood types for blood transfusions.
Clinical laboratory technologists and technicians use many different methods to analyze cells,  tissues, and fluids to diagnose diseases. Managers  or Clinical laboratory technologists usually supervise the activities of technicians.
In larger laboratories, technologists usually specialize while technologists in small laboratories perform a broader variety of tasks. This disorder is caused by loss of dopamine-producing brain cells and is a very enervating disease. And this is when future cell therapy comes into play by replenishing the brain with new dopamine producing cells, which will be produced in the laboratory and biotech companies. Currently, experiments are being held in small animal models of Parkinson disease through cells derived from human embryonic stem cells with great promise for the future.
Another exciting prospect for the cure of cancer is through the development and production of non engineered wild-type viruses or recombinant forms with genetic manipulation viruses.
Medical Applications Of Stem Cells
For instance, a clinical trial at the University of Pittsburgh used embryonic cells, which have been transplanted into the brains of 12 patients disabled from strokes, and 6/12 patients indicated substantial improvement.
Many dreadful ailments can be cured using the embryonic cell therapy. For example neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson, Lou Gehrig's Disease, multiple sclerosis,  heart failure, diabetes, spinal cord injuries, and others.
Diabetes in the Future
Closing the Loop
Glucose Responsive Insulin
It would provide a treatment for type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes where patients are using insulin.
Sounds amazing right? Stem cells
So in theory they can be turned into replacement organs, skin, bone or in case of diabetes- insulin producing islet cells.
A truly "perfect" cure.
The very idea of a "diabetes cure" conjures up many emotions in me. A personalized diabetes coaching service.
Chris is a fully qualified diabetes coach & personal trainer and has had type 1 diabetes for over 10 years. Medical equipment is an integral part of diagnosis, monitoring, and therapy. The ideal mind and body balanced all 4 humors, gracefully. Future Medical technology and medical knowledge to feed off of each other. Medical equipment, acts as an extension for investigation of the how's and why's of the human body, and as science catches up and surpasses the investigations, completely new type of medical diagnosis, monitoring and therapy may result. Attracting new patients to a medical practice is no different. First, create a tab on the physician or medical practice website called Technology. This section should be dedicated to listing all of the technology the physician or medical practice utilizes for patients care along with the benefits to the patient. Second, educate existing patients. The physician or medical practice may update their patient handout as updates to the Technology tab are made. Patient Driven Physicians... Superior Technology

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